System: BeOS, Haiku, Zeta

Mounting a Drive over the Terminal

Mounting a Image file over the terminal

Unmount a Drive or Image file

How to mount a Drive using the terminal

With the shell tool mountvolume you can mount a drive over the terminal.

To mount a drive we open the Terminal (/boot/beos/apps/Terminal). If we know the name of the drive we want to mount, use this command:

mountvolume Drivename

If we dont know the name of the drive we can use a option of mountvolume to display them:

mountvolume -r -l

We run the mountvolume command with the option rescan (- r) and list (- l) to display all mounted and unmounted drives.

In the list we see all mounted and unmounted drives. We can see the name, mountpoint and filesystem of every Drive.

*If you need more informations about the shell tool mountvolume, type mountvolume --help into the termial.

How to mount a imagefile using the terminal

To mount a imagefile over the terminal we use the shell tool mount.

If you mount a image file you can use it like a harddisk, but we don't can mount it like them. We don't can say mount imagefile without a mountpoint. We can do this creating a imaginary folder:

mkdir /Name

* Name stands fort the name of the imaginary folder.

If the folder is created you can mount the imagefile into this folder:

mount Image.bfs  /Foldername

* For this example we use a BFS Imagefile (Image.bfs). You can mount other imagefiles too.

* To the Imagefile (Image.bfs) you need to add the path to the file. Something like /boot/home/Image.bfs

* If you need more informations about the shell tool mount, type mount --help into the termial.

How to unmount a Imagefile or Drive using the terminal

The command to unmount a imagefile or a drive are the same, because the imagefile will managed from the system like a drive:

mountvolume - unmount  /Drivename

* Change /Drivename to the name of the drive you want to unmount.

Translation by Christian Albrecht (Lelldorin) November 2007
Tutorial by Christian Albrecht (Lelldorin) April 2005
Made available by BeSly the BeOS, Haiku and Zeta Knowledgebase.