Activate and teach SPAM Filter
To activate the SPAM filter open the "File- menu" and select "Preferences":

In the Settings window of Beam enter the "Filtering Mail" section:

In the right site of the settings window select in the "Add Filter" dropdown menu the option "Spam". Now you can see the entry " <<< SPAM-filter >>> " in the filtermenu under "Name":

If you select the "SPAM Filter" you can enter some settings for the filter in the bottom site of the settings window.
Now the Spam filter is allready activated. Notice that the filter dont catch any unlike mail from your incoming mails using a "Knows as Spam" librarie. You need to teach your Spam filter before he can catch all unlike mails.
To teach the Spam filter, select all unliked mails with the right mousebutton and select "Learn as Spam" to say the filter, this mail is Spam:

Filtering Mails
Before we filter any mail, we should do create a mailfolder for it. No filtering makes sense if you dont have any separated folder for it.
To create a new folder in your mail foldertree, do a right click with your mouse on "mail" and select "New Folder":

Enter into the textcontrol the name of the filter:

To setup a filter enter the "File- Menu" and select "Preferences":

In the Settings menu we select the option "Filtering Mail":

At the right site of the settings window we select in the "Add Filter" dropdown menu the option "Sieve". A new filter added to the filterlist at "Name". Under the filterlist enter the name of the filter at "Filter Name":

In the bottom site of the settings window you will see some options for the filter. First select at "Match if" the option "any of":

Select in the first dowpdown menu the part of the mail there the filter looks for filtering. For our example we use the part "Subject":

In the second dropdown menu we select for our example "contains":

In the textcontrol we enter a word or a text. The filter search the mail for this keywords. For our example we enter [haiku] (Haiku maillist) into the textcontrol:

Last mark the option "File into" and select the folder you have created for the filtered mails in the dropdown menu right of the checkbox:

Now save the filter using the save button and the filter is ready. Every time you get a mail the filter search the subject of the mail for the entered keywords. If the subject have the same word or text like the filter knows, the mail will be copied into the mail folder of the filter.
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Tutorial by Christian Albrecht (Lelldorin) Januar 2008
Made available by BeSly, the Haiku knowledge base.