The well-known and successful Office Suite is no longer being developed for the BeOS like systems. With this tutorial we want to show you a way to get GobeProductive despite suspended development and sales for Haiku OS. This should be a way to use not dubious sources.
You does not get GobeProductive any longer from the stores and manufactuerer. Is it no longer possible to obtain a version so how?
The solution to get GobeProductive is actually quite simple. The last known source through which you could get GobeProductive is the final commercial version of BeOS, now Zeta. If you put away every negative news and concerns about this product from the outside, might get the idea, in so far you own such a product is to take GobeProductive of this system and install it on haiku.

Not all versions of Zeta included a full version of GobeProductive 2.0. The version used for this tutorial is Zeta RC1. So we can say that all versions past RC1 might have a full version of GobeProductive included.

We insert the zeta CD and browse to the installation file of GobeProductive. You can found it normally under "/boot/_PACKAGES_/Office". Here you can find the file

Zeta has a different directory structure as today's Haiku, so you should unzip the file first into a temporary location. In this tutorial a folder on the Desktop with the Name "Expand".

After unzipping the zip file you will see two folders ("apps" und "home"). To install GobeProductive switch into the apps folder and there into the Office folder.

Mark the folder Gobe Productive 2.0 and copy/link them to /boot/home/config/non-packaged/apps. Finally GobeProductive 2.0 is installed on Haiku and ready for use.

To start GobeProductive switch into the "Gobe Productive 2.0" folder and run the binray file "Gobe Productive".

- You can find tutorial about GobeProductive at the BeSly.
- On Lelldorins Website you can find different, but old templates and add-ons for GobeProductive.
Translation by Christian Albrecht (Lelldorin) Mai 2013
Made available by BeSly, the Haiku knowledge base.