Who wants to help this project, can do this writing their own tutorials, descriptions or translations. Also ideas or criticisms are welcome.
To make your own tutorials you have some helpful informtions and opportunities. The easiest way is, you write your tutorial and send it to: webmaster(at)besly.de. It is important that this is really an own tutorial, as there could be legal problems to the original authors otherwise.
#!/boot/system/bin/yab //******************* ProgrammVerzeichnis bestimmen ************************************ n=30 print time$ print fib2(n) print time$ sub fib2(n) if(n<2)then return n endif n=fib2(n-2) + fib2(n-1) return n end sub
print "-----------------" n=30 print time$ print fibonacci (n) print time$ sub fibonacci (n) n1 = 0 n2 = 1 for k = 1 to abs(n) sum = n1 + n2 n1 = n2 n2 = sum next k if n < 0 then return n1 * ((-1) ^ ((-n) + 1)) else return n1 end if end sub